Paris Adventures

Teen boy with a croissant on a sidewalk in Paris
My first afternoon in Paris. We got croissants and walked around right away.

My First Visit

My family and I traveled to Paris in November 2022. I had wanted to go there for a long time. During the COVID-19 shutdown, my grandmother and I started Zooming to have French lessons. She was missing her French club, and I was missing out on a lot of activities, too, so it was a good fit for both of us.

Although my French isn’t as good as it was then, I still really wanted to go to Paris. When we got there, I had an even better time than I had imagined I would. I made this short video about our trip.


A lot of people ask me about my favorite thing that I ate or did. I liked everything! But here are some highlights.

  • The Palace of Versailles was probably my favorite site. We walked all around the chateau, and we also went through the gardens and to the home of Marie Antoinette.
  • There was a bakery right down the street from our hotel. My dad and I went there every day to pick out pastries. Most days, we got three or four pastries at a time and had a taste test. If you’re going to Paris, I highly recommend staying down the street from a bakery.
  • We did a food tour with a group called Paris by Mouth, and we all thought it was a great experience. We tried so many cheeses and pastries. I wouldn’t have known how to pick them on my own, but our guide, Marion, was really helpful, and it helped me learn about French food.
  • Speaking of French food, everyone asks about the best thing I ate. Everything was so good, but if I had to pick one thing, it was this Cod with Saffron Sauce. I had it at a restaurant called Au Bourguignon du Marais, and I’m still thinking about that saffron sauce.
Cod with saffron sauce
My favorite meal in Paris: Cod with Saffron Sauce at Au Bourguignon du Marais.