About Me

One morning we were in New Orleans, and I really didn’t want to get up.

I’m Jack.

I’m a Missouri-based filmmaker, and I’m the CEO/Chief Creative Officer of Shrimp Cocktail Films.

I started making films when I was 9, as part of a class that was offered through Springfield Public Schools. It meant a lot to me that the school system offered this class, and it helped me discover something I hadn’t known I would love doing.

Next, I started taking classes with Plotline Film & Media Education, a nonprofit organization here in Springfield that helps kids learn about filmmaking and set etiquette. Plotline helps me level up my skills. I learn so much from the teachers and from the older students—people who’ve been making movies for a lot longer than I have.

All of these experiences have helped me learn about filmmaking and given me a better idea of the kinds of movies I enjoy making.

A Few More Facts About Me

  • Favorite Food
    Well, you’ve probably guessed that I like shrimp cocktail. But my favorite dish I’ve ever eaten was Cod with Saffron Sauce. I mentioned it in this post about a trip I took to Paris.
  • Favorite All-time Director
    Alfred Hitchcock
  • Favorite Job on a Film Production
  • Favorite Film Set Lingo
  • Favorite Genre of Film to Make
  • Favorite Genre of Film to Watch
  • Ideal Movie Viewing Environment
    On the sofa with my family

On this Site

I started this as a place to store lots of things that are important to me, like videos, photos, movie reviews and travel memories.